From Passion to Profession: Meet Your Trainer

Born in California, raised in North Carolina, currently living in Alaska, and en route to another adventure soon - I’ve been all over. A theme my own personal transformation has also experienced. Throughout my own “fitness journey” including a 75+lb weight-loss transformation, I’ve tried it all, failed, learned, and grown - experiences that I believe make me into the coach I am today.

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I’ve been a CPT for 3 years and have worked with 40+ women in that time to lose weight, build muscle, and improve their overall health. I spent 6 months in a mentorship with a local gym owner improving my knowledge and gaining experience before pursuing my own career in exercise and nutrition. I believe in the importance of staying up-to-date with the most current research by continuous education and am currently continuing my education in transformation and physique specific training. 

I understand getting started on a fitness journey can be intimidating . It’s my goal to help break down those barriers holding you back.

If I’m not checking in with my clients, you can find me either at my happy place in the gym pursuing my own goals or spending quality time with my husband and our two dogs somewhere on an adventure.